3dotmag November 2012
style seemed to teeter between 90s alt rock and blues influenced garage rock, but more amped up, ending up like The Pixies and The White Stripes doing blow together. They put on a rather explosive show full of audience participation (mid song handclap breakdowns and sing-alongs). They definitely got the audi- ence warmed up. Between bands, I’m noticing that B-52s are now 10 minutes late. I’m instantly reminded that I sent them to a place to eat that usually takes about 2 hours and was 20 miles away. So I’m thinking I made them late for the show. Great! Ten minutes later they rushed the stage and jumped straight into “Wig,” Schneider yelping, “What’s that on your head!” Instantly the place turned into a light- hearted party and everyone there synced into dance mode. Everyone on stage was armed with bright colors and glitter. They kept the theme with their early material and Schneider took a step back and the girls took the lead with “Mesopotamia” and “Give Me Back My Man,” and both Kate Pierson and Cindy Wilson shined. As Schneider returned to the stage they
made some hilarious banter making fun of Myrtle Beach, commenting on all the beach wear stores and their love of taffy. They then went into the title track of their newest album, “ Funplex,” where there is a shout along chorus of “Too much sex!” At this point, the constant party that seemed to be happening on stage was just near anarchy. They went on to do a few more new songs before performing hits like “Roam” and “52 Girls.” Of course, the crowd loved the hits but the impressive thing about the B-52s is that their new material is just as powerful as their early material. They had a stirring ending with a rambunctious version of “Love Shack.” A near perfect encore, “Planet Claire” and “Rock Lobster” ended the night. B-52s still have it. And, they aren’t just a nostalgia act. Having new hip bands like IAMDYNAMITE open, and having new material that doesn’t scream “it’s time to go get a drink” proves them to be a thriving and notable band, and they are doing a great job at keeping the party going, and show no signs of slowing “down, dowwwn, dowwwn.” END
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