Blipp Business Start Up

If you’ve been to one Starbucks, you’ve been to themall - squishy chairs, Starbucks swag on every available surface, and the laptops of students ‘studying’ on Facebook. Chosen for no real reason other than the quiet atmosphere, the persistent need for a caffeine buzz at four in the afternoon, and the fact that even in Canada there’s a Starbucks on every street corner, I sat in a squishy chair, awaiting the arrival of the Co-founders of blipp global Inc. Right on time, two tall men walked in dressed casually in t-shirts and jeans. I have to admit before I met with them, I was a bit intimidated, but with their easy smiles alongside their laid back attitudes, I was immediately put at ease. After exchanging pleasantries, we got right into the interview.

After researching the two co-founders individually, I found a plethora of information

on Eugene in the form of his Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, etc. Seriously, I could find him on almost any social media site I could think of. Eugene, the Canadian born Co- founder and Creative Daydreamer at blipp, is responsible for developing the brand. Also known as the ‘idea guy’, he executes creative strategies to help generate revenue for the company. Furthermore, he manages blipp’s creative team and works closely on the blipp magazine. On the other hand, Colum was more elusive. What I did find out before the interview was that this Co- founder was born and raised in Ireland - yes, he did have an Irish brogue, dropping Irishisms throughout the interviews like “ ma” and “aye” – and at blipp he works to ensure that ‘daydreams’ become a reality. Together, Colum and Eugene are always looking for different ways to expand their brand; for example, branching out to create different apps, but shh… the blipp app is currently classified as ‘need to know’ information. Armed with the basics and a list of questions, I was ready to meet the young businessmen. So, let me tell you about my first meeting with Colum and Eugene.


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