TOMI Magazine November 2012
laid-off is a better option.
INDUSTRY GOING FOR SELF M AKING IT HAPPEN WITHOUT FINANCIAL BACKING In the second set of the 2012 Presidential De- bates, both the incumbent and presidential hopeful Mitt Romney were asked about job creation. One particular graduate wondered after receiving a degree will he be able to earn a living as a fulltime employee. In the last four years, the Obama ad- ministration, has slowed job loss. But there are quite a few former corporate employees who have decided that ‘going for self’ by be- coming their own boss instead of knocking on more closed doors hoping to get a job with the same pay as they once had before they were
With little to no seed money, startups are starting out by bartering talent for talent. Betting that their skill will eventually get them the financial funds they need to go further and build a business perhaps or partner up with like-minds and possibly self-crowdfund their endeavor as a group. Small businesses are still unable to se- cure traditional funding. Microloans are more popular as indicated in the current Forecast section this month. However, without good credit or established credit, microloans are just as hard to attain. Becoming your own boss isn’t some- thing to take lightly but it is something to to seriously consider. With the current economic climate, chances are you will make a few extra bucks turning your talent into a thriving pro- fession. – Tonisha L. Johnson
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